Neighbor’s Illegally Installed Generator Causes House Fire – FNOL

The Challenge:

Claim identified via our First Notice of Loss Program and involved a large fire loss to the insured’s home caused by a fire originating from a neighbor’s home during Hurricane Sandy. The Total Loss of insured’s home brought the paid claim value to $627,629. The property where the fire originated was completely destroyed in the fire, along with most of the potential physical evidence- making a formal cause and origin investigation nearly impossible. Nevertheless, we conducted an in-depth investigation that included canvassing of the neighborhood and statements from witnesses including the adverse homeowner.


The Outcome:

From these, and other efforts, we collected sufficient evidence to indicate the adverse homeowner had installed a generator in this home without obtaining the required local permits and that this generator was in fact the origin of the fire. Our recovery representative settled this claim for a total recovery of $412,500 representing a 66% recovery to the client.

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